Meine Handgelenke schmerzen, weil ich mit den falschen Nadeln zuviel knubbelige Baumwolle und Seide verstrickt habe. Aber was ist der strickende Mensch ohne Stricken??? Gut, dass ich ein Spinnrad habe :-D Nächsten Monat mache ich das erste Mal bei der Tour De Fleece mit und um in den Flow zu kommen, war das genau der Moment, um mal etwas aus dem für einen Gelegenheitspinner doch schon recht umfangreichen Vorrat zu nehmen. Space-gefärbter Kammzug (von welchem Wolltier auch immer - ist ein bisschen zu rauh für Merino). Oh Mann, verspinnt sich das gut. Ich habe 100gr., und die sind jetzt auf der Spule...das macht Hoffnung für die Tour De Fleece. Mein Ziel ist es, das erste Mal Sockengarn, Navajo-gezwirnt, herzustellen. Ich werde auch die Space-Pracht Navajo-zwirnen. Hoffentlich wird's was und die Wolle kann dann -praktischerweise- gleich in den Socks From The Toe Up-KAL wandern.
My wrists are hurting because I knitted with the wrong needles too much silk and knobbly cotton yarn. But what is a knitter without knitting??? Hmmm, good that I own a spinning wheel. Next month I am going to participate in the Tour De Fleece. And to get into the mood, it was the right moment to plunder my -for a casual spinner- not so small fiber stash. Space dyed pencil roving in rainbow colours. I do not know which fiber spending animal it is from, guess not merino because it is a little bit coarse. But wow, it spun up phenomenally. I had 100gr. of roving which is now spun up...that raises hope for my Tour De Fleece goal to spin yarn for a pair of socks for the first time and navajo-ply it (for smooth colour transitions, do not know this fractal stripes thing by now). The rainbow space-yarn I am going to navajo-ply, too. I hope it works and the yarn can enlarge my stash for the Socks From The Tow Up KAL.

My wrists are hurting because I knitted with the wrong needles too much silk and knobbly cotton yarn. But what is a knitter without knitting??? Hmmm, good that I own a spinning wheel. Next month I am going to participate in the Tour De Fleece. And to get into the mood, it was the right moment to plunder my -for a casual spinner- not so small fiber stash. Space dyed pencil roving in rainbow colours. I do not know which fiber spending animal it is from, guess not merino because it is a little bit coarse. But wow, it spun up phenomenally. I had 100gr. of roving which is now spun up...that raises hope for my Tour De Fleece goal to spin yarn for a pair of socks for the first time and navajo-ply it (for smooth colour transitions, do not know this fractal stripes thing by now). The rainbow space-yarn I am going to navajo-ply, too. I hope it works and the yarn can enlarge my stash for the Socks From The Tow Up KAL.
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