I had this handpainted sock yarn Barefoot from Mountain Colors in the colourway Gold Rush I won in the Socks from the toe up KAL. This yarn was perfect for a Travelling Woman for autumn bike rides. I wanted to use up all the yarn and did more repeats of chart A. I weighed the remaining yarn each time I had finished a rep. and decided how to go on. Finally I did 5 rep. of A. I was quite sure that the yarn would not be enough for chart B. The solution was to knit the B chart in the normal way till row 11. The next row -a back row- I skipped and knitted row 13 instead. From this part on I made true lace, knitting pattern in each row. I had to adapt the beginning and the end section but that was not too difficult. In the end I had around 70 cm of yarn left. So, perfect result
Sonntag, 26. September 2010
Travelling Woman
Ich hatte im Socks from the toe up KAL einen Strang Sockenwolle 'Barefoot' von Mountain Colors in der Farbe 'Gold Rush' gewonnen. Die Wolle sollte ein Travelling Woman werden, ideal für Radfahrten im Herbst. Da ich das Garn so ziemlich komplett verbrauchen wollte, habe ich Chart A 5-mal gestrickt und bin dann zum Abschlusschart übergegangen. Mir war ziemlich schnell klar, dass die Wolle nicht ausreichen würde. Also wird die Anleitung mal schnell angepasst. Ich habe bis R. 11 nach Vorgabe gestrickt, ab der 12. R. einfach die glatten Rückreihen herausgelassen und damit richtige Spitze gearbeitet. Ein paar ad hoc-Anpassungen jeweils für den Anfang und das Ende, das war's. Am Ende hatte ich noch ca. 70 cm Restgarn. Alles in allem ziemlich perfekt. Hier ein paar Bilder vom Spannen:
I had this handpainted sock yarn Barefoot from Mountain Colors in the colourway Gold Rush I won in the Socks from the toe up KAL. This yarn was perfect for a Travelling Woman for autumn bike rides. I wanted to use up all the yarn and did more repeats of chart A. I weighed the remaining yarn each time I had finished a rep. and decided how to go on. Finally I did 5 rep. of A. I was quite sure that the yarn would not be enough for chart B. The solution was to knit the B chart in the normal way till row 11. The next row -a back row- I skipped and knitted row 13 instead. From this part on I made true lace, knitting pattern in each row. I had to adapt the beginning and the end section but that was not too difficult. In the end I had around 70 cm of yarn left. So, perfect result
. Here are some blocking pics:

I had this handpainted sock yarn Barefoot from Mountain Colors in the colourway Gold Rush I won in the Socks from the toe up KAL. This yarn was perfect for a Travelling Woman for autumn bike rides. I wanted to use up all the yarn and did more repeats of chart A. I weighed the remaining yarn each time I had finished a rep. and decided how to go on. Finally I did 5 rep. of A. I was quite sure that the yarn would not be enough for chart B. The solution was to knit the B chart in the normal way till row 11. The next row -a back row- I skipped and knitted row 13 instead. From this part on I made true lace, knitting pattern in each row. I had to adapt the beginning and the end section but that was not too difficult. In the end I had around 70 cm of yarn left. So, perfect result
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