Endlich, meine Phat Fiber Box ist heute Mittag eingetroffen. Ich war so etwas von wibbelig und brauchte nach dem Öffnen erst einmal einen Snack :-):
Finally, it has arrived at my door this afternoon. I was completey shaky while opening it and afterwards I got to have this:
Und hier sind die Goodies:
And here are the goodies I got:
Abstract Fiber

Desired Haven Fram

Desert Garden Farm

Easter Egg Hunt - Wooliebullie

Very clever - two rings in different diameters! from Marcie Phillips

KIP Bags by Ruddawg

Aurora Fiber Arts

Twisted Fiber Yarn - I cannot keep my fingers off of this small hank!


Polayartgirl Designs - what a sheen

Phat Fiber - love the design

A stamp from kataish :-)


Earthly Hues

Designs by Tami

D'Lynn Designs

Smoky Mountains Apothecary - wow, this smells really good!


Plum Crazy Ranch & Fiber Art

Paige's Beaded Designs

Kira K Designs

Zebisis fiber - oh my gosh!

Tattered dreams -very interesting. I could imagine a huge rug made out of this yarn would look great.
And I have a visitor called Knickolas Knickerbocker :-):
1 Kommentar:
Thanks so much for sharing your sample box.
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