Ich werde wohl der ewige Spinnanfänger bleiben, weil meine Zeitabstände in denen ich Wolle spinne irgendwie ziemlich lange sind. Letztes Jahr im Januar habe ich meinem Vater einen handgemachten Schal zugesagt. Also: Wolle gefärbt + gesponnen + gestrickt. Letztes Jahr irgendwann im Sommer war die Wolle fertig....dann lag sie bzw. saß auf den Spulen...und lag.... und lag. Bis Montag. Da habe ich sie dann gezwirnt. Hoffentlich ergibt das einen Schal...162 gr....keine Ahnung wieviele Meter, da ich zu faul war, die Fäden zu zählen. Ich stricke einfach bis zum Ende :-D.
I guess, I will always be a novice in spinning yarn because the time gaps between my spinning attacks seems quite long. January last year I promised my father to make him a scarf. Means fiber self dyed, self spun and self knitted. The singles were spun up sometime around summer 2008 and then...it rested... and rested...and rested. Until last Monday. I started the plying process. I hope that the end result of 162 gr. will make scarf. No clue how many meters I have because I was too lazy to count the strands on my niddy-noddy. I will knit till the last piece of yarn :-D.

I guess, I will always be a novice in spinning yarn because the time gaps between my spinning attacks seems quite long. January last year I promised my father to make him a scarf. Means fiber self dyed, self spun and self knitted. The singles were spun up sometime around summer 2008 and then...it rested... and rested...and rested. Until last Monday. I started the plying process. I hope that the end result of 162 gr. will make scarf. No clue how many meters I have because I was too lazy to count the strands on my niddy-noddy. I will knit till the last piece of yarn :-D.
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